Tuesday, December 6, 2011

thesis outlines start

THESIS TOPICS, write ups

Jacqueline Tomlinson:


The pie, it’s history, how regional, cultural, and economic differences affect ingredients, baking methods, and what’s considered a “pie.” My intention is to educate myself about pie making, clarify what’s considered a pie, demonstrate that there’s a pie in every meal, convince folks to make pies instead of purchasing, share that using seasonal ingredients produces healthier pie eating people.           

1)   research, who’s eating what and where?
a.     crusts
                                               i.     Hot water crust vs cold water crust
                                              ii.     Pie shells, crumble, graham cracker, dough
                                            iii.     How we feel about people who buy pie crusts?
2)   Make pies, explore methods, ingredients, finishes
a.     Regional favorites, methods, ingredients
b.     New wave pies (cooking with nitrogen), watermelon pie, basil/ginger pie, ie. Uncommon ingredients
c.      Tarts
d.     Empanadas
e.     Pizza
f.      quiche
3)   Taste test
4)   Photograph
5)   Logo
6)   Typography (wood block print?)
7)   Pattern (lattice patterns, ripple patterns, cookie cutter shapes,
8)   Color
9)   Traveling with your pie (how to get there from the kitchen)
a.     Urban pie
b.     Suburban pie
c.      Rural pie
10)                  Tools

Graphic expressions:

1)   What makes a pie a pie (poster idea, t-shirt, apron, placemat, napkin, plates)
2)   Pie eating citizens of the world

1)   Sweet versus savory, which percent are you?
2)   infographic for ingredients, when and where

Mike Kuhn:


Create a business, an empanada food truck, featuring my special recipes, Hudson county, nj attitude. Discuss the history of empanadas. My intentions are to share the diverse flavors of empanadas, to create an income from doing something I enjoy, target a specific audience (healthy, but not macro-psychotic), explore the business of food truck owning and operating, create a relaxed mood and atmosphere that’s friendly and bold.

1)   name: kuhnamatada empanada
2)   logo
3)   music
4)   graphics
5)   videos
6)   stickers
7)   napkins
8)   packaging
9)   menu
10)                  truck exterior and interior

flavor and health:
1)   ingredients
2)   sustainable: deep fry oil as fuel
3)   baked versus deep fry

1)   empanada competitions
2)   website
3)   social media: twitter, instagram, facebook
4)   coupons

1)   investors
2)   clients

Jiyoung Byun:


Explore the history of the Japanese tea ceremony, including ritual, etiquette, and performance, type of teas, desserts that accompany tea service, clothing, tableware, tables, table setting, cloth and patterns found in cloth, serving elements, seating, tea times, storage containers, tea packaging. My intention is to discover among who, why (relaxation, ritual, mediation), and where this practice flourishes (past and present) and to showcase my talents and skills at packaging and infographics.

1)   History: where, who, how
2)   Current practice: where, who, how

1)   Branding (thesis)
a.     Package branding:
                                               i.      Teas,
                                              ii.     Cloth patterns
                                            iii.     Element (bowls, cups, utensils, mats) patterns

Kee Eun:

Sample and warehouse fashion selling: why? Why do people go crazy? Why do folks overpay, what’s really going on? Who comes? Customer profiling (point five percent elite, the rest one time buyers), mass mailing, client books, advertising (sample sale ads), h&m and target collaborations, upsales, split method purchasing

1)   Ethics of the business of warehouse sales, sample sales
2)   Return and rebuy of going on sale merchandise
3)   Sales person ethics, sell when you know there’s a sale coming soon