Thursday, September 20, 2012


For next week, drawing on ten different articles from a section of The New York Times, you'll create visual responses.

O B J E C T I V E S :

We want to know what interests you by seeing which article you choose from tomorrow’s issue of The  New York Times. We want to see your visual style and your ideas in your responses.

P A R T I C U L A R S :

1)    choose ten different articles from The New York Times for your responses
    choose ten crucial sentences from each of your ten different articles as 
      “bounce off” sentences for your responses
    choose imagery, typography, and language that clearly states your idea
    choose ten crucial sentences from each of your ten different articles 
      (begin with image, type, and color swipe and post your swipe on your blog)
    create your responses. your responses may take any visual form 
      (book covers, posters, etc.)
    ten first drafts are due next week
    be prepared to present your work 

We will also critique your final draft of your bucket list. You'll make adjustments for the following week based on in-class suggestions.